Educational music

Artista: Leonardo Calì
Codice Prodotto: EDUCMUS18LC


Educational music



LIBRO FORMATO 15 X 21 -  Pag. n. 78    -  Lingua Inglese

Codice ISBN: 9788899225308

This book is dedicated to the years of primary education
(Italian Junior and Middle school) and it presents some topics
taken from the book by the same author “Verso una musica
educativa” published by Uciim Rome, in 1984 and in 2018,
with a new layout.
Music has to be experienced as educational
The first part of the book studies problems that are
common to all subjects taught, including music. The second
part concentrates on some analytical perspectives of Mozart’s
K 551 and provides some suggestions.
The pages concerning
 other psycho-pedagogical approaches
 listening levels III and IV of Mozart’s symphony
 other composers (Handel, Bach, Beethoven)
are part of the book mentioned above in this Preface.

Page - 7 - Pedagogical psychology
- 9 - Intellect and music
- 13 - School of education
- 19 - Pedagogical anthropology
- 22 - Anthropological hinterland
- 31 - The first music, a dangerous path
- 35 - Music a school subject
- 38 - How and what to look for in a page of music
- 41 - Mozart, Symphony K 551 “Jupiter”
- 42 - Listening level I
- 53 - Listening level II
74 - References
76 - Biography, references of the author

-------------------LEONARDO CALI'---------------------------------
Leonardo Calì
The author was one of the first supporters of “educational music” in the ten
years of compulsory education (primary and middle school). He has
dedicated every aspect of his critical reflection and creative and productive
activities to this programme.
The 1960’s was the era of his first writings dedicated to the new subject
“Musical education”, then at the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, where he was
a student during his years as an intern, he created the pedagogical-didactic
field of music with his own teaching, his daily contact with primary school
children and his many writings and meetings.



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